Chaparral Residents Association (CRA) is non-profit organization that is responsible for the development and maintenance of the community surrounding Lake Chaparral and all its facilities. Among their facilities is the Chaparral Lake and the Recreational Centre that oversees activities. Chaparral Lake is a 33 acre (0.13 km2) lake that has an additional 22 acre (0.089 km2) park space adjacent to it. Summer time and winter time activities vary greatly, as the lake freezes over during the cold season. Beyond the standard summertime activities, lake activities include boating, beach recreation, swimming, fishing, and scuba diving. During the winter hours, lake activities consist of ice fishing, casual skating, and ice hockey.
The project requires high illumination of nearby hockey rinks and casual skating rinks. Light levels must be high enough to allow for organized hockey games on the full-size hockey rinks located closest to shore. There must also be adequate lighting in the outlying casual skating areas, which are roughly 480 ft. (146 m) away from the shore.
Summarily, lighting must be sufficient for 1 full-size ice hockey rink and 2 peripheral casual-skating rinks (one of which is at a distance of 480 ft. away from shore). Acceptable foot-candela requirements for iced surfaces of amateur sporting facilities are 50 foot-candles (538 lx), as recommended by I.E.S. (Illuminating Engineering Society).
Operational hours of the lights in the facility vary widely between summer and winter seasons—as late as 10:40 pm in the summer and as early as 5:10 pm in the winter.

Lumingen Technologies, Ltd. recommended the following configuration. A total of four LMG-HM-0800 will be used to provide the most optimal solution for all the target areas in the facility. They will be installed on two 35’ (10.6 m) poles with two luminaire bracket mounted on each pole. An additional feature for multiple switching options would also be provided to allow light output variability during the shorter summer operational hours of the light.

The configuration recommended by Lumingen Technologies performed as expected. An average of 54 foot-candles (580 lx) were measured on the full-size ice hockey rink. While on the outlying casual skating areas, measurements on the farthest rink produced an average of 9 foot- candles (96 lx). With the additional features, multiple switching options allowed for an energy conserving solution for the summer season. The Lumingen lights ran with a colour temperature of 5000K.